Thursday, July 8, 2010

Welcome to the Pathetic Life of Justin Bieber

Two words: Justin Bieber. Eww, did I really just say that? eckk, get me some damn mouthwash!
No seriously, These two simple yet disgustingly greasy words evoke contemp and hatred in the hearts of ALL men, and any sane woman. With his high little voice, and strange bowl haircut, I wouldn't be surprised if his next musical release is in collaboration with the seven dwarfs in a rendition of 'high ho, high ho, its off to work we go'. It's either that or a dog whistle recording for those whose throats have been ruined by trying to match his inhuman pitch.

Before his depressing rise to fame, Justin Beiber lived in Housing Commition in a poor area of america. Its no wonder, he's clearly not of intelligent stock. Now this video has been floating around the Interwebs for a while now, so you may have seen it before. It shows Justin Beiber being interviewed by a New Zzealand TV show, and has some trouble understanding a certain word. Just watch.

Pathetic right? There's really no excuse for that. See as though I'm Australian, you don't have to tell me how retarded kiwi accents are, but come on. G E R M A N. He even shows him the damn word! And just to top the whole thing off. Anyone with half a brain can tell that his lastname IS GERMAN. For the love of god, come on people!

'we don't say that word in America', dude, you don't even live in America.

Well thats it for my first post, I'll have more stuff up soon, and if you like this, check me and my friends collaborative blog, The smiley memorial.

Signing off,


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